Sanjana’s Homework Help Section–How to Multiply and Divide a Negative by a Positive

Tip: Before we start, I want to show you something you could use to help you:

peace sign integers

If you have to multiply a negative and a positive, you just need to cover up the two signs that are in the sign. So multiplying a positive and a negative you cover the positive and the negative on the sign.

Step 1: Just multipy or divide normally, as if there were no signs.

Ex 1: -3 x 2; just multiple normally: so 6.

Ex 2: -6 / 2; just divide normally: so 3

Step 2: That’s really it. Divide normally and then use the peace sign to cover up the two signs you have. The uncovered sign would be the one you need.

Sanjana’s Homework Help Section–PEMDAS

How to Solve PEMDAS:

Tip: A way to remember PEMDAS is Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

Step 1: Parenthesis- Anything that’s in parenthesis is what you solve first. Parenthesis are these: ( )

Step 2: Exponents- That little small number hanging off of one of the big numbers, yeah that’s an exponent. But make sure that you don’t multiply the whole number by the exponent. You need to multiply the whole number by itself, as many times as the exponent says.

Step 3: Multiply- You should know how to multiply. If there is only multiplication and division left in the problem, then you can go left to right.

Step 4: Divide- You should also know how to divide. If there is only multiplication and division left in the problem, then you can go left to right.

Step 5: Add- You should know how to add. If there’s ONLY addition and subtraction left then you can go left to right.

Step 6: You should know how to subtract. If there’s ONLY addition and subtraction left then you can go left to right.


2  + (6 x 2) / 2 – 3


2 + 12 / 2 – 3

8 + 12/2 -3

8+ 6 – 3

14 -3


Next Time:  How to Multiply and Divide a Negative by a Positive

Sanjana’s Homework Help Section

How to solve a two step algebra equation:

Step 1: Add or subtract the number that isn’t connected to a variable.

Ex 1: 5x+20=40; the highlighted part is what you would subtract. Because of the addition sign, you need to subtract. If there was a subtraction sign, you would add because you just need to cancel it out. This is what happens: solve 2 step equation

Step 2: Divide the coefficient. You need to isolate the variable. The goal is to get the 5 on the other side.

Ex 2: 5x=60; the highlighted part is what you need to divide by five. If it was division, you would need to multiply by five. You just have to do the inverse operation.

Step 3: What you do to one side, you need to do to the other side.

Ex 3: 60 divided by 5.

That’s how you do it!!

Next Time: How to solve PEMDAS!